6 Features Of Robotic Process Automation You Should Know

6 Features Of Robotic Process Automation You Should Know

Prabhat Gupta

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6 Features Of Robotic Process Automation You Should Know6 Features Of Robotic Process Automation You Should Know
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Robotic process automation (RPA) is transforming industries by automating repetitive tasks traditionally performed by humans. In today's fast-paced digital world, businesses are increasingly turning to RPA to streamline operations, enhance efficiency, and reduce costs. To effectively utilize the capabilities of such automations, you first need to understand the different features of robotic process automation.

RPA involves the use of software bots to automate routine tasks and processes. These bots are programmed to mimic human actions, such as data entry, copy-pasting, and form filling, across various applications, industries and systems. RPA technology allows organizations to automate repetitive tasks without the need for complex coding or integration with existing systems.

Moreover, RPA offers scalability, allowing businesses to quickly adapt to changing market demands and scale operations as needed. As a result, RPA has become increasingly popular across industries, driving significant growth in the automation market.

In this blog, we will explore the various features of robotic process automation (RPA) that make it a valuable tool for different businesses. We will also discuss Nected, a no-code/low code automation tool, using which you can automate different processes to solve real-world problems and increase your business efficiency.

What Are the Key Features of RPA?

RPA offers key features that empower organizations to automate tasks and streamline processes. Its user-friendly interface, bot creation and deployment capabilities, workflow automation, integration capabilities, scalability and flexibility, and rule-based decision making enable businesses to drive operational efficiency and enhance productivity.

1. Rule-based Decision Making

RPA enables rule-based decision making, where bots follow predefined rules and logic to execute tasks and make decisions. Organizations can define business rules, conditions, and criteria for automation bots to follow, ensuring consistency and compliance with regulations.

Imagine a banking institution leveraging RPA to automate its loan application processing. They establish rules and criteria for assessing loan applications, including credit scores, income levels, and debt-to-income ratios.

Based on these rules, RPA bots can automatically approve or reject loan applications, send notifications to applicants, and update the loan management system accordingly. This streamlines the lending process, reduces manual intervention, and ensures compliance with lending regulations.

2. Bot Creation and Deployment

RPA empowers businesses to create and deploy software bots that mimic human actions, automating repetitive tasks. These bots perform various functions across different applications and systems, freeing human employees to concentrate on more strategic tasks.

For example, consider that a retail company wants to automate its order processing system to handle a surge in online orders. Using RPA, they create bots that can log into the company's eCommerce platform, retrieve incoming orders, verify payment information, and update inventory records.

One of the best features of these bots is their ability to work around the clock, efficiently and accurately processing orders, even during peak hours, without requiring human intervention.

3. Workflow Automation

RPA facilitates workflow automation by orchestrating the sequence of tasks involved in a business process. It allows organizations to streamline end-to-end processes by automating repetitive tasks, reducing manual errors, and improving overall efficiency.

A healthcare provider wants to streamline its patient onboarding process. With RPA, they automate tasks such as patient registration, insurance verification, appointment scheduling, and electronic health record (EHR) entry.

By automating these tasks, they can expedite the onboarding process, improve patient satisfaction, and allocate resources more effectively.

4. Integration Capabilities

RPA platforms offer robust integration capabilities, allowing organizations to seamlessly connect and automate processes across disparate systems and applications. This enables data sharing, communication, and collaboration between different departments and systems within an organization.

For instance, if an insurance company needs to automate its claims processing workflow, involving interactions with multiple systems like CRM, claims management software, and document management systems, they can easily accomplish it using RPA platforms.

Using RPA, they integrate these systems and automate tasks such as claim intake, assessment, approval, and payment processing. As a result, they reduce processing times, improve accuracy, and enhance customer service.

5. Scalability and Flexibility

RPA solutions are highly scalable and flexible, allowing organizations to deploy automation bots across different departments, functions, and processes. They can easily scale automation initiatives to meet growing business demands and adapt to changing requirements.

Suppose, a manufacturing company implements RPA to automate its supply chain management processes, including procurement, inventory management, and order fulfillment.

As the company expands its operations and product offerings, they can scale their RPA deployment to automate additional processes such as production planning, quality control, and distribution. RPA's flexibility allows them to quickly adjust workflows and accommodate evolving business needs.

6. User-Friendly Interface

One of the key features of RPA is its user-friendly interface, which allows users with little to no coding experience to create and deploy automation bots. RPA platforms typically offer intuitive drag-and-drop interfaces, making it easy for business users to design automated workflows without relying on IT or development teams.

Let's consider a financial services company that wants to automate its invoice processing system. Using an RPA platform with a user-friendly interface, the finance team can design a workflow to extract data from incoming invoices, validate the information, and update the company's accounting system.

With simple drag-and-drop actions, they can define the sequence of tasks and automate the entire process without writing a single line of code.

Why Choose Nected For Robotic Process Automation?

Nected stands out as an advanced, user-friendly no-code/low-code workflow automation tool that requires little to no coding, making it accessible to businesses across various sectors. Tailored to meet diverse industry needs, Nected offers a comprehensive array of automation features.

  • With Nected, you can build various workflows and rule engines to streamline task management, boost efficiency, and reduce expenses. What's especially noteworthy is Nected's capability to accelerate time-to-market, allowing you to swiftly bring your ideas to fruition through rapid iterations.
  • Nected empowers users to achieve more in less time, conserving valuable resources and enabling teams to focus on critical tasks. By entrusting mundane tasks to Nected, non-technical teams are freed up, allowing technical teams to concentrate on developing more advanced technological solutions.
  • Seamless integration is a key feature of Nected, facilitating its use as a micro-service and enabling effortless integration with existing data and systems through APIs, events, and other mechanisms.
  • The platform offers extensive flexibility and customization options, enabling users to tailor workflows and rules to their specific needs using custom JavaScript code. Additionally, Nected places a high priority on security and scalability, adhering to industry best practices to ensure cost-effective scalability.


Robotic process automation (RPA) offers a transformative solution for businesses seeking to enhance efficiency, reduce costs, and streamline operations. RPA streamlines repetitive tasks and processes, freeing up valuable time for employees to focus on strategic initiatives.

RPA increases accuracy and reduces errors associated with manual data entry and processing. RPA improves scalability by enabling organizations to adapt quickly to changing business demands. RPA enhances compliance by ensuring consistency and adherence to predefined rules and regulations.

The importance of RPA in today's competitive landscape cannot be overstated. By embracing RPA, businesses can gain a competitive edge, drive innovation, and position themselves for long-term success.

For those seeking to build advanced RPA systems, look no further than Nected. With its user-friendly interface, comprehensive suite of automation tools, and seamless integration capabilities, Nected empowers businesses to harness the full potential of RPA and drive transformative change.

Choose Nected to build your advanced RPA system and propel your business forward.


Q1: What is Robotic Process Automation (RPA), and how does it work?

RPA is a technology that employs software robots or "bots" to automate repetitive tasks and processes. These bots mimic human actions like data entry and form filling across different applications and systems. RPA captures and interprets data from existing applications to trigger responses, communicate with other systems, and carry out tasks.

Q2: What are the benefits of implementing Robotic Process Automation (RPA)?

Implementing RPA brings efficiency, accuracy, cost savings, scalability, and compliance benefits. It automates tasks, reduces errors, scales operations, and ensures rule adherence.

Q3: What types of tasks and processes can be automated with Robotic Process Automation (RPA)?

RPA can automate diverse tasks across industries, including data entry, invoice processing, customer service, HR processes, IT support, and supply chain management. Essentially, any repetitive, rule-based task involving digital systems can be automated with RPA.

Q4: How does Robotic Process Automation (RPA) differ from traditional automation methods?

Traditional automation methods require complex coding and integration, while RPA offers a no-code/low-code approach. RPA is highly adaptable and can automate tasks across various systems, making it more versatile.

Q5: What are some considerations for successful implementation of Robotic Process Automation (RPA)? 

Successful RPA implementation requires careful planning, stakeholder involvement, proper training, and ongoing monitoring to ensure alignment with business goals and sustained value delivery.

Prabhat Gupta

Prabhat Gupta

Co-founder Nected
Co-founded TravelTriangle in 2011 and made it India’s leading holiday marketplace. Product, Tech & Growth Guy.

Prabhat Gupta is the Co-founder of Nected and an IITG CSE 2008 graduate. While before Nected he Co-founded TravelTriangle, where he scaled the team to 800+, achieving 8M+ monthly traffic and $150M+ annual sales, establishing it as a leading holiday marketplace in India. Prabhat led business operations and product development, managing a 100+ product & tech team and developing secure, scalable systems. He also implemented experimentation processes to run 80+ parallel experiments monthly with a lean team.

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