Nected vs Drools

Nected Is the Drools Alternative That Simplifies Rule Management

Drools is complex for building rules, integrating systems, and scaling, slowing you down. Nected offers a user-friendly interface, easy integrations, and collaboration features for faster development. It comes with pre-built templates for common tasks and empowers teams for quick decision-making and automation.

Drools Is Not for Everyone

And that’s why discerning developers and organizations conduct their research & seek Drools alternatives.

Extensive Coding Requirement
Drools requires in-depth knowledge of Java for the rule implementation, necessitating significant coding efforts which makes it difficult to manage rules, especially for non-techies.
Steep Learning Curve
Developers may face delays in project delivery as Drools requires a learning curve, impacting development schedules and increasing the cost of projects.
Accessibility Constraints for Cross-Functional Collaboration
Drools' technical nature can impede collaboration between non-technical stakeholders and developers, as it heavily relies on Java-based coding. This lack of accessibility for cross-functional teams may hinder efficiency and communication.
Challenges with Rapid Development
 Developers aiming for quick iterations and agile responses to feedback may find Drools restrictive, because of its coding-intensive nature which makes it less suitable for rapid development.

Users Express Challenges with Drools:
Seeking Alternatives

Michael S.

Software Engineer

“Steep Learning Curve and Java Dependency”
“Mastering Drools requires a deep understanding of Java and its ecosystem, which can be intimidating for developers transitioning from other languages. The learning curve has slowed down our project progress significantly.”
Rachel H.

Product Manager

“Limited Accessibility for Non-Technical Stakeholders”
“Drools' reliance on Java-based coding poses accessibility challenges for our non-technical team members. Collaborating on rule management becomes cumbersome, affecting our project's efficiency and communication.”
Daniel G.

Business Analyst

“Inflexibility for Agile Development”
“Implementing changes in Drools to adapt to evolving business needs is cumbersome and time-consuming. Its lack of agility and adaptability hinders our ability to respond quickly to market changes and customer feedback."
Sophia L.

Systems Architect

“Scalability Concerns and Performance Bottlenecks”
“As our system scaled, we encountered performance bottlenecks with Drools. Optimizing rule execution and maintaining performance has become increasingly challenging, impacting our project's scalability and efficiency.”
Michael S.

Software Engineer

“Steep Learning Curve and Java Dependency”
“Mastering Drools requires a deep understanding of Java and its ecosystem, which can be intimidating for developers transitioning from other languages. The learning curve has slowed down our project progress significantly.”
Rachel H.

Project Manager

“Limited Accessibility for Non-Technical Stakeholders”
“Drools' reliance on Java-based coding poses accessibility challenges for our non-technical team members. Collaborating on rule management becomes cumbersome, affecting our project's efficiency and communication.”
Daniel G.

Business Analyst

“Inflexibility for Agile Development”
“Implementing changes in Drools to adapt to evolving business needs is cumbersome and time-consuming. Its lack of agility and adaptability hinders our ability to respond quickly to market changes and customer feedback."
Sophia L.

IT Consultant

“Scalability Concerns and Performance Bottlenecks”
“As our system scaled, we encountered performance bottlenecks with Drools. Optimizing rule execution and maintaining performance has become increasingly challenging, impacting our project's scalability and efficiency.”

Nected is the Drools alternative that simplifies rule management, makes it accessible, and accelerates development.

Discover how Nected revolutionizes rule management with its tech-driven approach, offering a seamless alternative to Drools:

Low-Code/No-Code Platform
Nected enables users to define and manage rules without the need for extensive coding, making rule management accessible to a broader audience.
Along with Triggering Nected rules and workflow via API, you can also schedule rules and workflow to run at periodic intervals.
Attach Action & Rule Result
Define actions to be called based on rule result. Integrate via DB & REST API connectors to update output back or trigger pre-defined actions for seamless workflow automation.
Seamless Integration
Nected offers seamless integration with various platforms and systems, enabling efficient implementation in diverse environments.
API Support
Access robust API support for extended functionality and integration with external applications.
Pre-built Templates
Start quickly with pre-built rule templates that can be customized as needed, saving time and effort in rule setup.
SLA of bugs & up Time
Never let your decisions interrupted with our 99.9% uptime track record.
Versatile Rule Types
Don’t limit your logic. Build complex rules intuitively with SimpleRule, DecisionTable & RuleSet based on your usecase.
Scalability in Integration
Benefit from the cloud-based architecture for reliable, scalable, and secure rule management.
Collaborative Environment
Foster teamwork with a platform that supports collaboration, allowing team members to work together on rule management.
Accessibility for Non-Developers
Make rule management accessible to non-developers, including business analysts and project managers, through a user-friendly interface.
Version Control
Maintain integrity and track changes with built-in version control, ensuring that rule modifications are manageable and transparent.
Nected provides a comprehensive, accessible, and efficient alternative to Drools, catering to a wide range of users from developers to business professionals, without sacrificing the depth and flexibility needed for complex rule management.

Try #1 Drools alternative, Try Nected now

Nected is the Drools Alternative That Simplifies Rule Management, Makes It Accessible, and Accelerates Development

To provide a clear understanding of the differences and similarities between and Drools, below is a detailed comparison table.

Cost Factors
Software Licensing
Initial Setup & Development
Expertise & Developer Salaries
Maintenance & Support
Included in plan
Scaling & Infrastructure
Included in plan
Feature Evolution & Updates
Included in plan
Total Cost for 12 Months

Why Choose Nected Over Drools?

Nected delivers a comprehensive solution for rule management with an intuitive, low-code/no-code platform that simplifies rule creation and management, making it accessible to both developers and business users. Here are the key advantages of using Nected over DecisionRules: User-Friendly Interface, Seamless Integration, Enhanced Performance and Scalability, Collaboration and Accessibility.

By choosing Nected, organizations can leverage a powerful, user-friendly rule engine at a lower overall cost compared to Drools. This not only reduces the total cost of ownership but also accelerates development and improves accessibility across teams, making it an ideal choice for businesses looking to streamline their rule management processes.

Simplify Rule Management and Execution
Try Nected for FREE

Why Developers and Enterprises Choose Nected Over Drools for Rule Implementation

Implementing business logic as rules is a common requirement in software development. The approach to rule implementation significantly affects development time, ease of maintenance, and the ability of non-technical stakeholders to participate.

Drools Rule Implementation

Drools requires rules to be hard-coded in Java, leveraging its specific syntax for rule definition. This approach offers flexibility and power but at the cost of complexity and longer development times. Here's an example of a rule implementation in Drools that checks if an order exceeds a certain amount and applies a discount:

Nected Rule Implementation

Nected, on the other hand, simplifies rule implementation through its low-code/no-code platform. Rules can be created using a visual drag-and-drop interface, significantly reducing the barrier to entry and enabling faster deployment. Here’s how you would implement a similar rule in Nected:

Use the drag-and-drop interface to create rules based on your use case. Or, you can select the predefined templates to build your first rule ASAP.
Use a visual drag-and-drop interface to define conditions, actions, and outcomes. Whether using a DecisionTable or Ruleset, Nected simplifies rule configuration, making complex logic accessible and editable without deep coding efforts.
Simplifies deployment through its API-based architecture. Just publish the rule and use it via API. Integrate it wherever you want to. This architecture provides scalability and reliability without the overhead of server management.

Trusted by Developers, Enterprises, and Business Analysts

Nected empowers organizations and professionals globally to streamline rule management and enhance their operational workflows.

Users across various sectors
Customer satisfaction score
Rules executed monthly

Nected Is the Drools Alternative Preferred by Professionals Like You

Nected has quickly become the go-to rule engine for countless users, praised for its ease of use and powerful, flexible rule management capabilities.

Sam L.

Business Analyst

“Streamlined Our Workflow”
“Previously, rule implementation posed a significant bottleneck in our projects, requiring extensive developer involvement. Since adopting Nected, we've significantly slashed development time, empowering our analysts to directly handle rule creation and management. It's been a game-changer for our workflow efficiency.”
Ethan J.

Product Manager

“Facilitates Collaboration”
“Nected's user-friendly interface has facilitated seamless collaboration between our technical and non-technical team members. Now, everyone can contribute to rule management effortlessly, fostering improved collaboration and accelerating our iteration cycles.”

Why Nected is A Better Drools Alternative

Nected delivers more features, exceptional value, and immediate customer support, making it a standout choice for those seeking an efficient and user-friendly rule engine.

Easy-to-Use UI/UX
Value for Money
Customer Support

Why Developers and Enterprises Choose Nected Over Drools?

Navigating the intricacies of rule engine development can be daunting, but Nected offers a streamlined, feature-rich platform that effortlessly scales to meet the diverse needs of developers and enterprises, eliminating unnecessary complexity.

Advanced Rule Configuration
Onboard Team Members
Collaboration with Stakeholders
Better Error Handling
Easy Rule Management Interface
Analytics on Rule Performance
Version Control
Integration with External Systems
Customizable Rule Templates
Low-Code/No-Code Development


What sets Nected apart from Drools in terms of user accessibility?

Nected adopts a low-code/no-code approach, ensuring accessibility for users with limited programming experience. Conversely, Drools requires proficiency in Java and its own Drools Rule Language (DRL), catering to a technically proficient audience.

How does the performance of Nected compare to Drools for complex rule processing?

While Drools excels in handling complex rule processing with its robustness, Nected prioritises ease of use and rapid deployment. Nected is more suitable for applications where quick setup and simplicity outweigh the need for intricate rule logic.

Can Nected be seamlessly integrated with existing enterprise systems like Drools?

Nected offers integration through its API-based approach, facilitating seamless connectivity with various systems and databases. Although Drools also provides integration capabilities, it may require more extensive development work, especially in Java-based environments.

What scalability considerations should be weighed when choosing between Nected and Drools?

Both Nected and Drools are scalable, capable of handling a large number of rules and complex decision-making processes. However, Nected leverages cloud-based scalability, while Drools relies more on the underlying Java environment and server capabilities.

How does community support and available resources compare between Nected and Drools?

Drools benefits from a substantial open-source community with extensive resources, including documentation, forums, and tutorials. While Nected's community is growing, it provides comprehensive documentation and support for its users, ensuring a reliable user experience.

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