SupaBase X Nected: Enhancing Supabase with Nected

SupaBase X Nected: Enhancing Supabase with Nected

Prabhat Gupta

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SupaBase X Nected: Enhancing Supabase with NectedSupaBase X Nected: Enhancing Supabase with Nected
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Welcome to our exploration of two exciting tools in the world of tech: Supabase and Nected. If you're someone who's been working with databases and looking for ways to streamline your workflows, you've probably heard of Supabase. It's a tool that's been gaining traction for its ability to manage databases with ease. But, like any tool, it has its ups and downs.

That's where Nected comes in. Think of Nected as the friend who jumps in just when you're thinking, "I wish I could do this a bit more easily." It's a platform that simplifies complex tasks, making your life a whole lot easier, especially when you're dealing with something as intricate as database management and automation.

In this blog, we're not just going to throw technical jargon at you. Instead, we'll take a practical look at what Supabase and Nected are all about. We'll chat about the good and the not-so-good aspects of Supabase and then see how Nected steps in to make things smoother.

Imagine you're working on a project that's using Supabase, and there's a specific task you do all the time. We'll take that task, show you how Nected can make it better, and walk you through the steps to get there. It's like having a guidebook that's actually fun to read and easy to follow.

So, let's dive in and discover how these two tools can work together to make your work not just efficient but also a bit more enjoyable. After all, who doesn't like making their life easier? Let's get started!

What is Supabase?

Supabase is an open-source Firebase alternative, providing developers with a toolkit to build sophisticated and scalable applications. At its core, Supabase offers a PostgreSQL database, which is a powerful, open-source object-relational database system. It's known for its robustness, performance, and compliance with SQL standards.

Pros of Supabase:

  1. Dedicated PostgreSQL Database: Each Supabase project gets its own PostgreSQL database, offering the reliability and power of this well-established database system.
  2. Real-Time Functionality: Supabase supports real-time bidirectional event-based communication, which is crucial for applications requiring instant data updates.
  3. Developer Experience: Supabase is praised for its developer-friendly environment and excellent documentation, making it a viable choice for both personal and professional projects.
  4. Open Source and Scalable: Being open-source, it offers transparency and community support. Its scalability is particularly beneficial for growing applications.
  5. Instant APIs: Supabase provides instant APIs, simplifying CRUD operations and enhancing developer productivity.

Cons of Supabase

While Supabase stands out in many aspects, there are areas where it faces limitations, particularly in scenarios that require complex business logic and orchestration of multiple APIs or systems. These limitations can be addressed effectively with Nected.

  1. Complex Business Rules: Supabase, while robust in database management, may not be as efficient in handling complex business rules, especially in a low-code/no-code environment. This is where Nected's strength lies, as it allows for the creation of highly performing and scalable rules for large datasets without extensive coding.
  2. Orchestration Layer: Supabase users might find it challenging to orchestrate multiple APIs or integrate with various third-party systems seamlessly. Nected can act as an orchestration layer, simplifying this process and enhancing the overall functionality of applications using Supabase.

By integrating Supabase with Nected, users can overcome these limitations, leveraging the strengths of both platforms to create more efficient, scalable, and user-friendly applications. This combination allows for a more holistic approach to application development, where database robustness meets advanced rule engine and workflow automation capabilities.

Exploring Nected: Enhancing Supabase Capabilities

Nected is a powerful tool designed to complement database systems like Supabase. It excels in areas where Supabase faces limitations, particularly in creating complex business rules and orchestrating multiple APIs or systems. Nected's platform is centered around workflow automation and rule engine creation, offering a low-code/no-code environment that is both user-friendly and highly efficient.

Benefits of Using Nected with Supabase

  1. Simplifying Complex Business Rules:
    One of the challenges with Supabase is managing complex business logic, especially when dealing with large datasets. Nected fills this gap by providing a platform where users can build complex business rules without needing extensive coding knowledge. This feature is particularly beneficial for users who want to implement sophisticated logic but may not have the technical expertise or resources to code these rules from scratch.
  2. Orchestration and Integration:
    While Supabase is robust in managing databases, it may not be as straightforward when it comes to orchestrating multiple APIs or integrating with various third-party systems. Nected serves as an effective orchestration layer, allowing users to seamlessly connect and manage multiple Supabase APIs and other systems. This integration capability is crucial for applications that rely on diverse data sources and services, ensuring smooth interoperability and data flow.
  3. Enhanced Scalability and Customization:
    Nected's platform is designed to be highly scalable, accommodating the growing needs of applications. This scalability, combined with the ability to customize workflows and rules, makes Nected an ideal partner for Supabase. Users can scale their applications confidently, knowing that the underlying business logic and integrations can handle increased loads and complexity.
  4. Serverless Benefits:
    Similar to Supabase, Nected offers serverless capabilities, meaning users don't have to worry about managing infrastructure. This feature aligns well with Supabase's serverless database approach, providing a cohesive experience where both the database and the business logic layers are managed without the need for extensive infrastructure oversight.

By integrating Nected with Supabase, users can significantly enhance their applications' capabilities. Nected's strengths in handling complex business rules, orchestrating multiple systems, and offering a scalable, customizable, and serverless environment complement Supabase's robust database management features. This synergy allows for the creation of more efficient, powerful, and user-friendly applications, making the most out of both platforms.

Enhance Complex Workflows of Supabase with Nected

Let's take a scenario where Supabase shines and also faces challenges. Consider a company, "Next Door Lending," which leveraged Supabase to become a top mortgage broker. Their platform requires managing a large volume of customer data, processing loan applications, and ensuring secure, real-time updates. Supabase, with its PostgreSQL database and real-time updates, is an ideal choice for such data-intensive applications.

Challenges Faced by Supabase

While Supabase efficiently handles database management and real-time data synchronization, it encounters hurdles when dealing with complex business logic and orchestrating multiple systems. For instance, in our scenario, Next Door Lending might struggle to implement intricate loan approval processes or connect various third-party credit assessment APIs seamlessly within Supabase.

Nected's Role in Enhancing Supabase

This is where Nected steps in, like a puzzle piece that perfectly fits. Nected can address these specific challenges by:

  1. Simplifying Complex Business Rules:
    Nected allows Next Door Lending to create and manage complex loan approval rules without deep coding expertise. This means they can set up rules for credit checks, document verification, and risk assessment in a user-friendly, low-code environment.
  2. Seamless API Orchestration:
    With Nected, orchestrating multiple APIs, such as credit bureaus, property valuation services, and customer databases, becomes a streamlined process. This integration capability ensures that all systems work in harmony, providing a smooth and efficient loan processing experience.

Now, imagine a loan officer at Next Door Lending. They receive an application and need to process it quickly. Before Nected, this process involved manual checks, coding for each rule, and ensuring all APIs communicated correctly – a time-consuming task. Now, with Nected integrated with Supabase, the loan officer inputs the application details, and the system automatically runs through the set rules. Credit checks, property valuations, and risk assessments are seamlessly orchestrated, providing a decision in a fraction of the time.

This integration not only speeds up the loan approval process but also reduces errors and enhances customer satisfaction. The loan officer can focus more on customer service and less on backend processes, thanks to the efficient workflow created by combining Supabase's robust database capabilities with Nected's rule engine and API orchestration.

Enhancing Supabase Edge Functions with Nected

Supabase Edge Functions are a game-changer for developers, offering a serverless environment to execute code with low latency. These functions are perfect for tasks like real-time data processing, user authentication, and interacting with third-party services. They provide a scalable and efficient way to handle backend logic without worrying about infrastructure.

Let's imagine a scenario where a team of developers at a tech startup, "ABC," is using Supabase Edge Functions for their latest project - a real-time analytics dashboard. The dashboard processes large streams of user data, providing insights and trends. While Supabase Edge Functions handle the data processing efficiently, the team faces challenges in implementing dynamic business rules and managing complex workflows.

Now, let’s say, ABC wants to implement dynamic pricing strategies based on user behavior and real-time market trends. However, they find that while Supabase Edge Functions are excellent for basic processing, they lack the capability for more sophisticated, dynamic rule implementation and seamless integration with other services like CRM systems or marketing tools.Nected, with its low-code/no-code rule engine and workflow automation platform, becomes the perfect complement to Supabase Edge Functions. Here's how Nected transforms ABC’s project:

  1. Dynamic Rule Implementation:
    Nected allows ABC to set up dynamic pricing strategies and personalized discounts based on user behavior, all in a user-friendly environment. These rules are then integrated with the data processed by Supabase Edge Functions, enabling real-time application of complex business logic.
  2. Workflow Automation and Integration:
    With Nected, ABC effortlessly integrates their Supabase setup with CRM and marketing tools. This integration enables automated workflows, such as sending personalized marketing messages based on user activity, processed and triggered by Supabase Edge Functions.

In this use case, the combination of Nected's rule engine and workflow automation with Supabase Edge Functions creates a powerful, scalable, and flexible solution. This integration showcases how Nected enhances the capabilities of Supabase, enabling developers to implement complex business logic and automated workflows with ease, leading to more efficient and impactful applications.

To explore how you can seamlessly integrate Supabase with Nected and elevate your application's capabilities, visit Nected's Integration Guide with PostgreSQL for detailed instructions and insights.

Other Perks of Using Nected with Supabase

Integrating Nected with Supabase unlocks a range of benefits and capabilities that extend beyond the core functionalities of each platform. Here's a detailed look at the additional perks of this integration:

1. Dynamic Rule Application and Personalization:

Nected's low-code/no-code rule engine allows for the translation of complex business logic into personalized and automated flows and actions. This capability is particularly beneficial when combined with Supabase's database and real-time updates, enabling dynamic responses to user interactions and data changes. For example, implementing differential pricing or personalized discounts becomes straightforward, enhancing user experience and business agility.

2. Rapid Experimentation and Iteration:

The Experimentation Engine in Nected supercharges growth and conversions by enabling diverse experiments, including Multivariate and Split-API Testing. When used with Supabase, this allows for quick iterations and optimizations of database interactions and user experiences. This feature is crucial for businesses looking to test and refine their strategies in real-time, ensuring they stay ahead of market trends and user preferences.

3. Efficient Workflow Management:

Nected's Workflow Manager facilitates the effortless integration of apps and the creation of customized workflows. This feature, combined with Supabase's capabilities, enables rapid experimentation and iteration for a seamless and efficient workflow evolution. It's particularly useful for building products with volatile rules, such as dynamic pricing, discounts, commissions, and incentives.

4. Enhanced Security and Scalability:

Nected is built on industry best practices, ensuring secure and scalable solutions. When integrated with Supabase, this enhances the overall security and scalability of the application, providing a robust platform for handling large-scale operations and sensitive data.

5. Customization and Flexibility:

Nected offers the flexibility to fully customize workflows and rules using custom JavaScript code. This level of customization, when integrated with Supabase, provides a powerful tool for tailoring applications to specific business needs and user requirements.

6. Audit Trails and History Logs:

The platform provides audit trails and history logs to attribute rules and reconcile changes correctly. This feature is invaluable for maintaining transparency and accountability, especially when dealing with complex data interactions in Supabase.

7. Seamless Integration with Existing Systems:

Nected can be utilized as a micro-service, easily integrating with existing systems via APIs and events. This seamless integration is a significant advantage for Supabase users looking to enhance their existing applications with advanced rule engines and workflow automation.

8. Custom Connector Support:

Nected supports most popular connectors and can craft custom connectors based on unique requirements. This flexibility is a boon for Supabase users who require specific integrations to maximize the potential of their applications.

In summary, integrating Nected with Supabase not only addresses specific challenges but also adds a layer of sophistication, flexibility, and efficiency to applications. This combination is particularly powerful for businesses looking to innovate rapidly, personalize user experiences, and maintain a competitive edge in a dynamic market environment.

Let's wrap this up in a simple way. Think of Supabase as a solid, reliable car – it gets you where you need to go, especially with database and authentication tasks. Now, imagine adding Nected to this mix. It's like upgrading that car with a state-of-the-art navigation system, custom settings for every driver, and an autopilot mode. Suddenly, your journey isn't just about reaching your destination; it's about enjoying a smarter, more personalized ride.

Nected brings its magic with easy-to-use tools that let you, and even your non-techy team members, set up complex rules and workflows without breaking a sweat. It's like having a co-pilot who not only knows the best routes but also finds new, more efficient paths you didn't even know existed.

This partnership between Supabase and Nected isn't just about making things work; it's about making them work smarter, faster, and in a way that feels almost tailor-made for your needs. Whether you're building an app, managing data, or integrating various services, this combo is your ticket to a smoother, more efficient process.

So, in short, combining Supabase with Nected is like giving your project a supercharge. It's about making your life easier, your work more efficient, and your end product a lot more impressive. It's not just a technical upgrade; it's a game changer for how you approach and execute your digital projects.

Wrapping up, let's look at how Supabase and Nected work together in a practical sense. Think of Supabase as the reliable foundation of your project, particularly strong in managing databases and handling user authentication. It's like the dependable engine of a car, essential for getting you from point A to point B.

Now, add Nected into this equation. Nected acts like a toolkit that enhances the capabilities of your Supabase 'engine.' It's akin to adding advanced features to your car, like a smart navigation system that not only guides you but also adapts to traffic conditions and finds the best routes in real-time. This is similar to how Nected's rule engine and workflow automation can simplify complex processes and adapt to changing business needs.

Technical Advantages:

  • Supabase: Offers robust database management and real-time updates, which are crucial for dynamic applications.
  • Nected: Provides a layer of flexibility with its low-code approach, making it easier to implement complex rules and integrate various systems without extensive coding.

Read Also: Exploring Open-Source Low-Code Platforms

Practical Benefits:

  • Efficiency: Together, they reduce the time and effort needed to build and maintain complex systems.
  • Accessibility: Nected's user-friendly interface makes it easier for team members with varying technical skills to contribute to the project.

Potential Limitations:

  • Learning Curve: Integrating two powerful tools requires an understanding of both, which might initially be challenging for some teams.
  • Dependency: Relying on both platforms means adapting to updates and changes in either system, which requires ongoing attention.

In summary, combining Supabase with Nected is about enhancing your project's efficiency and adaptability. It's a practical approach to building applications that are not only powerful but also flexible and user-friendly. This combination is particularly beneficial for teams looking to streamline complex processes and make their digital projects more manageable and effective. It's a strategic choice, not just for the technical prowess it brings but also for the practical advantages in day-to-day development and project management.


Q1. What are the limitations of Supabase?

  • Scalability and Performance: While Supabase scales well, it may have limitations under extremely high loads compared to more established cloud providers.
  • Limited Database Support: Currently, Supabase primarily supports PostgreSQL.
  • Region Availability: Limited availability in certain regions compared to larger cloud providers.
  • Advanced Features: Some advanced features available in other databases or backend solutions might be missing.

Q2. What do you use Supabase for?

Supabase is used as an open-source Firebase alternative. It provides a suite of tools including a database, authentication, real-time subscriptions, and storage. It's commonly used for building web and mobile applications, especially when real-time features and PostgreSQL compatibility are required.

Q3. What database does Supabase use?

Supabase uses PostgreSQL, an open-source object-relational database system known for its robustness, performance, and compatibility with various standards and programming languages.

Q4. Is Supabase built on AWS?

Yes, Supabase is built on top of Amazon Web Services (AWS). It leverages various AWS services for hosting its infrastructure.

Q5. Is Supabase a real-time database?

Yes, Supabase provides real-time capabilities. It allows developers to subscribe to changes in the database, receiving updates in real-time whenever data is inserted, updated, or deleted.

Q6. Is Supabase a good backend?

Supabase is considered a good backend solution, especially for developers looking for an open-source alternative to Firebase. It offers a range of features including authentication, real-time database updates, and storage, with the added benefit of PostgreSQL support.

Q7. Does Supabase have hosting?

Supabase itself does not provide traditional web hosting for frontend applications. However, it does offer hosting for database, authentication services, and storage. Developers usually host their front-end on other services.

Q8. Where does Supabase store data?

Data in Supabase is stored on PostgreSQL databases hosted on AWS infrastructure. The specific location depends on the AWS region selected during project setup.

Q9. Does Supabase support MySQL?

Currently, Supabase does not support MySQL. It is specifically designed around PostgreSQL, leveraging its features and capabilities to provide its services.

Prabhat Gupta

Prabhat Gupta

Co-founder Nected
Co-founded TravelTriangle in 2011 and made it India’s leading holiday marketplace. Product, Tech & Growth Guy.

Prabhat Gupta is the Co-founder of Nected and an IITG CSE 2008 graduate. While before Nected he Co-founded TravelTriangle, where he scaled the team to 800+, achieving 8M+ monthly traffic and $150M+ annual sales, establishing it as a leading holiday marketplace in India. Prabhat led business operations and product development, managing a 100+ product & tech team and developing secure, scalable systems. He also implemented experimentation processes to run 80+ parallel experiments monthly with a lean team.

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